Held on Friday 12th October 2018 at 6.30pm at The Gulls Nest, Plainmoor, Torquay
Present: 18 members and Andrew Fiderkiewicz (independent auditor).
Apologies: received from 7 members as announced by the Secretary.
Michel Thomas, the Chairman, welcomed everyone and summarised some of the recent activities of the board on behalf of the members.
Minutes of the 2017 AGM
The minutes, having been circulated with the agenda, were taken as read and proposed for approval by Alan Robinson, seconded by Jon Gibbes and unanimously approved including four proxy votes cast by the Chairman.
Receipt of the accounts and balance sheet for the year ending 30th June 2018
Matt Gorman, the out-going Treasurer, presented the profit and loss accounts showing a turnover of £10,758 and an operating surplus of £6,484. The balance sheet showed total funds of £48,122 but this included a balance of £11,850 held in the TUST account on behalf of the Premier League Fans Fund joint project and not available to TUST.
Subject to a typing amendment, the accounts were proposed for approval by Ali Bryant, seconded by James Murphy and unanimously approved including four proxy votes cast by the Chairman.
Appointment of auditor for 2018/19
Matt Gorman thanked Andrew Fiderkiewicz for auditing the 2017/18 accounts and advised that he had kindly agreed to continue in this role for the current year. His appointment was proposed by Bryan McKenna, seconded by Jon Gibbes and unanimously approved including four proxy votes acst by the Chairman.
Election of board members
Rick Williams, the Secretary, reported that there were ten places available on the board with three current members continuing to serve. The seven vacancies had been notified to members and nominations invited. Only five nominations had been received and they were therefore duly elected for a term of two years without the need for a ballot as follows;
Robin Causley current board member re-elected
Rob Burkitt and Rick Williams co-opted members now elected
Nick Brodrick and Simon Baker new members
Report of the board
The Chairman gave details of the activities of the board during the year, noting that the membership had been kept regularly informed of these via newsletters.
The prime concern was the owner’s intentions and his plans for a new stadium and the existing ground. The board had maintained a close dialogue with local politicians and the MP over these matters. It had also commissioned an independent report from Supporters Direct which had recently been received for consideration.
Considerable steps had been taken to promote community interest in the future of the club including a marketing brochure and attendance at business events.
In response to questions from the floor, Matt Gorman reported that there were 358 members at the 30th June. A new initiative to recruit corporate members had recently been launched and seven had already signed. The brochure and events such as the Legends’ evening were means of encouraging further recruitment. Robin Causley (Vice chairman) provided details of how the Premier League Fans Fund had been used to promote TUFC in the community through Fanzones and other activities in collaboration with the club and Community Sports Trust.
Bryan McKenna thanked the board on behalf of members for all the hard work it was doing.
The Chairman closed the meeting by thanking Tim Herbert, the out-going Secretary of TUFC, for his support. Finally, he thanked the retiring board members, Matt Gorman, Chris Fleet and Sean Horstead for their contributions to the Trust’s continuing success.
The meeting closed at 7.15pm.